
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 #ifndef libjmmcg_core_bitfield_map_hpp
   2 #define libjmmcg_core_bitfield_map_hpp
   3 /******************************************************************************

   4 ** $Header: svn+ssh:// 2150 2017-09-16 16:35:01Z jmmcg $

   5 **

   6 ** Copyright (c) 2014 by J.M.McGuiness,

   7 **

   8 ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

   9 ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  10 ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  11 ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  12 **

  13 ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  14 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  16 ** Lesser General Public License for more details.

  17 **

  18 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  19 ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  20 ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

  21 */
  23 #include "bit_fiddling.hpp"
  24 #include "count_setbits.hpp"
  25 #include "memops.hpp"
  26 #include "non_copyable.hpp"
  28 #include <boost/mpl/accumulate.hpp>
  29 #include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
  30 #include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
  31 #include <boost/mpl/begin.hpp>
  32 #include <boost/mpl/deref.hpp>
  33 #include <boost/mpl/empty.hpp>
  34 #include <boost/mpl/find_if.hpp>
  35 #include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
  36 #include <boost/mpl/next.hpp>
  37 #include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
  38 #include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
  39 #include <boost/mpl/plus.hpp>
  40 #include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
  41 #include <boost/mpl/sizeof.hpp>
  42 #include <boost/mpl/transform_view.hpp>
  44 #include <cassert>
  45 #include <limits>
  46 #include <cstdint>
  47 #include <sstream>
  48 #include <stdexcept>
  49 #include <type_traits>
  51 namespace jmmcg {
  53 struct a_zero_sized_class {};
  55 namespace private_ {
  57         /**

  58                 Avoid sizeof(void) warnings, give it a size of zero.

  59         */
  60         template<class T>
  61         struct give_void_a_size_of {
  62                 enum : std::size_t {
  63                         value=sizeof(T)
  64                 };
  65         };
  66         template<>
  67         struct give_void_a_size_of<void> {
  68                 enum : std::size_t {
  69                         value=std::size_t()
  70                 };
  71         };
  72         template<>
  73         struct give_void_a_size_of<a_zero_sized_class> {
  74                 enum : std::size_t {
  75                         value=std::size_t()
  76                 };
  77         };
  79 }
  81 /// This container is an associative collection of types. The domain is a bit-map of the mapped_types that are selected in the range.

  82 /**

  83         This container packs a selection of objects of the types that are given in mapped_types into an internal buffer of contiguous memory. If few types are selected, then the size() returns much less than the size of the object (which must be large enough to holds all of the mapped_types). It could be useful for passing assorted large mapped_types along a slow network link, when, usually, not all are needed.

  84         Note that the types placed in mapped_types must be able to support arbitrary alignment - no guarantee of correct alignment is made by this class. These types are packed into the internal buffer such that there is no padding used, hence no guarantee of correct alignment. This restriction implies that only PODs are likely to be supported, in general.

  85 */
  86 template<
  87         class BFSM,
  88         std::size_t BFSz=sizeof(typename std::underlying_type<typename boost::mpl::deref<typename boost::mpl::begin<BFSM>::type>::type::first::value_type>::type)
  89 >
  90 class bitfield_map {
  91 public:
  92         using key_type=uint64_t;
  93         using size_type=std::size_t;
  94         using mapped_types=BFSM;        ///< The range of mapped-types that may be selected by the domain. This range is a collection that is indexed by the unique enum-tag of the range.

  95         using bitfields_tags_type=typename boost::mpl::deref<typename boost::mpl::begin<mapped_types>::type>::type::first::value_type;  ///< The range of enum-tags used to indicate the requested element in the mapped_types range.

  96         using underlying_key_type=typename std::underlying_type<bitfields_tags_type>::type;     ///< The underlying type of the domain enum.

  98         /**

  99                 Make sure the funky mpl actually finds something that is POD-like so could be an enumeration...

 100         */
 101         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((std::is_pod<bitfields_tags_type>));
 102         /**

 103                 Make sure the funky mpl actually finds something that is integral so could be an enumeration...

 104         */
 105         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((std::is_integral<typename std::underlying_type<bitfields_tags_type>::type>));
 107         enum : std::size_t {
 108                 range_mapped_types_size=boost::mpl::accumulate<
 109                         boost::mpl::transform_view<mapped_types, boost::mpl::sizeof_<boost::mpl::second<boost::mpl::_1>>>,
 110                         boost::mpl::int_<0u>::type,
 111                         boost::mpl::plus<boost::mpl::_1, boost::mpl::_2>
 112                 >::type::value, ///< The sum of the sizes of the types in mapped_types.

 113                 bitfields_size=BFSz,    ///< The number of 8-bit bytes that the range of enum-tags should occupy. By default this is the sizeof(underlying_key_type). Note that enums require the underlying type to be an integral type, so this option allows for non-integral "underlying types". Also note that if this option is used it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the number of bits in the underlying type can accommodate the number of enum-tags in the range.

 114                 mapped_types_size=boost::mpl::size<mapped_types>::value
 115         };
 117         using raw_mapped_data_t=std::array<uint8_t, range_mapped_types_size>;
 119 private:
 120         using raw_key_type_t=std::array<uint8_t, bitfields_size>;
 122 public:
 123         enum : bool {
 124                 all_pod=std::is_same<
 125                         typename boost::mpl::find_if<
 126                                 mapped_types,
 127                                 boost::mpl::not_<std::is_pod<boost::mpl::second<boost::mpl::_1>>>
 128                         >::type,
 129                         typename boost::mpl::end<mapped_types>::type
 130                 >::type::value  ///< True if all of the range mapped_types in the container are PODs otherwise false.

 131         };
 133         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(sizeof(bitfields_tags_type), <=, sizeof(key_type));
 134         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(sizeof(underlying_key_type), ==, sizeof(bitfields_tags_type));
 135         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(range_mapped_types_size, >, 0);
 136         BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(boost::mpl::empty<mapped_types>::value, !=, true);
 138         /// Default-construct an empty container.

 139         /**

 140                 Algorithmic complexity: O(1)

 141                 Post-condition: empty()==true.

 142         */
 143         constexpr bitfield_map() noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 144         /// Bit-wise copy the contents of the argument into the constructed container, out of the argument.

 145         /**

 146                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(range of mapped_types))

 147                 Post-condition: bm.empty()==true.

 148         */
 149         constexpr bitfield_map(bitfield_map const &) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 150         /**

 151                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(range of mapped_types))

 152                 Post-condition: bm.empty()==true.

 153         */
 154         constexpr bitfield_map(bitfield_map &&) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 155         /**

 156                 Algorithmic complexity: POD: O(1) otherwise O(sizeof(key_type)^2)


 158                 \see clear()

 159         */
 160         ~bitfield_map() noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 162         /// Bit-wise swap the contents of the container with that of the argument.

 163         /**

 164                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(range of mapped_types))


 166                 \see swap()

 167         */
 168         constexpr bitfield_map &operator=(bitfield_map &&) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 170         /// Indicate if there are any elements selected in the mapped_types.

 171         /**

 172                 Algorithmic complexity: O(1)

 173                 Invariant: emply() iff size()==0


 175                 \return true if no types have been selected in the mapped_types, otherwise false.

 176         */
 177         constexpr bool empty() const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 179         /// Indicate the total size of any elements selected in the mapped_types, including the size of the domain bitfield.

 180         /**

 181                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(key_type))

 182                 Invariant: size()<=max_size()


 184                 \return The size, in bytes, of the types have been selected in the mapped_types, otherwise 0, always less than or equal to the sum of the sizes of the types in mapped_types, range_mapped_types_size.


 186                 \see max_size()

 187         */
 188         constexpr size_type size() const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 190         /// Indicate the maximum size of all elements that can be selected in the mapped_types, including the size of the domain bitfield.

 191         /**

 192                 Algorithmic complexity: O(1)

 193                 Invariant: size()<=max_size()


 195                 \return At least the size, in bytes, of all of the types have can be selected in the mapped_types.


 197                 \see size()

 198         */
 199         static constexpr size_type max_size() noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 201         /// Erase each enabled mapped_types selected in the key_type.

 202         /**

 203                 Algorithmic complexity: POD: O(1) otherwise O(sizeof(key_type)^2)

 204                 Post-condition: empty()==true.

 205         */
 206         void constexpr clear() noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 208         /// Perform a range-checked selection of the requested element.

 209         /**

 210                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(key_type))

 211                 Pre-condition: empty()==false.


 213                 \return Return a reference to the enabled SelectedField in the mapped_types, otherwise throw a std::range_error exception..

 214         */
 215         template<
 216                 bitfields_tags_type SelectedField,
 217                 class AsType=typename std::integral_constant<bitfields_tags_type, SelectedField>::type,
 218                 class Ret=typename boost::mpl::at<mapped_types, AsType>::type
 219         >
 220         constexpr const Ret &at() const noexcept(false) FORCE_INLINE;
 221         /// Perform a range-checked selection of the requested element.

 222         /**

 223                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(key_type))

 224                 Pre-condition: empty()==false.


 226                 \return Return a reference to the enabled SelectedField in the mapped_types, otherwise throw a std::range_error exception..

 227         */
 228         template<
 229                 bitfields_tags_type SelectedField,
 230                 class AsType=typename std::integral_constant<bitfields_tags_type, SelectedField>::type,
 231                 class Ret=typename boost::mpl::at<mapped_types, AsType>::type
 232         >
 233         constexpr Ret &at() noexcept(false) FORCE_INLINE;
 235         /// Remove and delete the SelectedField element, if enabled, from the mapped_types range.

 236         /**

 237                 Note: this is not a generic erase, items should only be erased from the end of the collection, otherwise undefined behaviour will result. This should really be considered a pop_back() operation, where the end iterator is manually specified. Not ideal. No compaction of the mapped_types is performed after an erase, so if holes were left, this would cause the at() operations to behave incorrectly.

 238                 Algorithmic complexity: POD: O(1) otherwise O(sizeof(key_type))

 239                 Pre-condition: SelectedField is the last enabled bit in the key_type.


 241                 \see push_back()

 242         */
 243         template<
 244                 bitfields_tags_type SelectedField,
 245                 class AsType=typename std::integral_constant<bitfields_tags_type, SelectedField>::type,
 246                 class Ret=typename boost::mpl::at<mapped_types, AsType>::type
 247         >
 248         void erase() noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 250         /// Find if the SelectedField is enabled in the key_type,

 251         /**

 252                 Algorithmic complexity: O(1)


 254                 \return True if the SelectedField is enabled in the key_type, otherwise false.

 255         */
 256         template<bitfields_tags_type SelectedField>
 257         bool find() const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 259         /// Enable the SelectedField in the key_type, and initialise the appropriate element in the mapped_types, if necessary,

 260         /**

 261                 Note: This only works going from smaller to larger tags in the key_type, one must not insert in the middle, otherwise this may result in undefined behaviour. This is because of the internally-computed offsets into the range of mapped_types. Hence one must not insert randomly: it is likely that existing contents will be incorrectly overwritten, also leading to undefined behaviour.

 262                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(key_type))

 263                 Post-condition: empty()==false.


 265                 \return A reference to the initialised element in the mapped_types.

 266         */
 267         template<
 268                 bitfields_tags_type SelectedField,
 269                 class AsType=typename std::integral_constant<bitfields_tags_type, SelectedField>::type,
 270                 class Arg=typename boost::mpl::at<mapped_types, AsType>::type
 271         >
 272         void push_back(Arg const &) noexcept(false) FORCE_INLINE;
 274         /// Bit-wise swap the contents of the container with that of the argument.

 275         /**

 276                 Algorithmic complexity: O(sizeof(range of mapped_types))

 277         */
 278         void constexpr swap(bitfield_map &) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 280 private:
 281         /**

 282                 A hack to convert non-integral underlying types to integral types to allow the bit-wise operators to work.

 283         */
 284         union converter {
 285                 key_type conv_bfs;
 286                 raw_key_type_t bfs;     ///< Here's hoping this is LSB-justified in the word, otherwise we are b'gg'r'd...

 287         };
 288         key_type constexpr convert_to_biggest_integral_type() const noexcept(true);
 290         raw_key_type_t bfs;
 291         raw_mapped_data_t raw_mapped_data;
 292 }__attribute__((packed));
 294 }
 296 #include "bitfield_map_impl.hpp"
 298 #endif

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