
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /******************************************************************************

   2 ** $Header: svn+ssh:// 2055 2017-05-13 19:35:47Z jmmcg $

   3 **

   4 ** Copyright (C) 2004 by J.M.McGuiness,

   5 **

   6 ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

   7 ** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

   8 ** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

   9 ** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  10 **

  11 ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  12 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  14 ** Lesser General Public License for more details.

  15 **

  16 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  17 ** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  18 ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

  19 */
  21 #pragma once
  23 #include <algorithm>
  24 #include <functional>
  25 #include <vector>
  27 namespace jmmcg { namespace rapid_insert_lookup {
  29         /**

  30                 This collection implementation is efficient when the `inserts()` to the collection come

  31                 in blocks, then the lookups (`find()` or `operator[]()`) in blocks, then the `inserts(...)` again.

  32                 This is because the collection only sorts itself when it is unsorted and a lookup occurs.

  33                 Non-unique keys are allowed, and the groups of non-unique keys are adjacent (after sorting) then the range of the "unique" key is multiple values.


  35                 The complexity is (assuming default container of `std::vector`, which affects these complexities):

  36                 -# Copy: O(n), worst-case.


  38                 More notes:

  39                 ===========

  40                 -# After sorting, non-unique keys are guaranteed to be adjacent in the multimap.

  41                 -# The base container can be pretty much any STL container. The obvious candidates are `std::vector` or `std:list`. The choice will affect the complexities above. The advantage of `std::vector` over `std::list` is locality of reference: The data elements are guaranteed to be local to each other, unlike `std::list`. Alternatively `std:list` has better complexity than `std::vector` for some of the operations. Choose wisely.

  42         */
  43         template<typename _Key,typename _Val,typename _Pred=std::less<_Key>,typename _Cont=std::vector<std::pair<_Key,_Val> > >
  44         class multimap {
  45         public:
  46                 typedef _Cont base_container;
  47                 typedef typename base_container::allocator_type allocator_type;
  48                 typedef _Key key_type;
  49                 typedef _Val mapped_type;
  50                 typedef _Pred key_compare;
  51                 typedef std::pair<const key_type,mapped_type> value_type;
  52                 typedef typename base_container::difference_type difference_type;
  53                 typedef typename base_container::reference reference;
  54                 typedef typename base_container::const_reference const_reference;
  55                 typedef typename base_container::size_type size_type;
  56                 typedef typename base_container::const_iterator const_iterator;
  57                 typedef typename base_container::iterator iterator;
  58                 typedef typename base_container::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
  59                 typedef typename base_container::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
  60                 typedef std::pair<iterator,bool> InsertItr_;
  62                 explicit __stdcall multimap(const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
  63                 __stdcall multimap(const size_type,const value_type &v=value_type(),const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
  64                 __stdcall multimap(const multimap &) FORCE_INLINE;
  65                 __stdcall multimap(const const_iterator &,const const_iterator &,const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
  66                 __stdcall ~multimap(void) FORCE_INLINE;
  68                 multimap & __fastcall operator=(const multimap &m) FORCE_INLINE;
  70                 const_iterator __fastcall begin(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  71                 iterator __fastcall begin(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  72                 const_reverse_iterator __fastcall rbegin(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  73                 reverse_iterator __fastcall rbegin(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  74                 const_iterator __fastcall end(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  75                 iterator __fastcall end(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  76                 const_reverse_iterator __fastcall rend(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  77                 reverse_iterator __fastcall rend(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  79                 const size_type __fastcall size(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  80                 const size_type __fastcall max_size(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  81                 bool __fastcall empty(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
  82                 void __fastcall clear(void) FORCE_INLINE;
  83                 void __fastcall resize(const size_type,const value_type &v=value_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
  84                 void __fastcall reserve(const size_type) FORCE_INLINE;
  86                 allocator_type __fastcall get_allocator(void) const FORCE_INLINE;
  88                 /**

  89                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multimap.)

  90                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value, but different referents.

  91                 */
  92                 InsertItr_ __fastcall insert(const value_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
  93                 /**

  94                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multimap.)

  95                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value, but different referents.

  96                 */
  97                 iterator __fastcall insert(const iterator &,const value_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
  98                 /**

  99                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multimap.)

 100                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value, but different referents.

 101                 */
 102                 void __fastcall insert(const const_iterator &,const const_iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 104                 /**

 105                         Erase: O(n).

 106                 */
 107                 iterator __fastcall erase(const iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 108                 /**

 109                         Erase: O(n).

 110                 */
 111                 iterator __fastcall erase(const iterator &,const iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 112                 /**

 113                         Erase: O(nlog(n)).

 114                         All keys with same value are erased. Collection remains sorted.

 115                 */
 116                 const size_type __fastcall erase(const key_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 118                 /**

 119                         Lookup: O(log(n)+(complexity of sorting a vector)), if unsorted, O(log(n)) if sorted, irrespective if the element is in the multimap or not.

 120                         Will only insert the key if it is not in the map, i.e. it will ensure keys are unique, but will be slower.

 121                         Are guaranteed to return the first key if they are not unique in the multimap.

 122                 */
 123                 mapped_type & __fastcall operator[](const key_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 125                 /**

 126                         Lookup: O(log(n)+(complexity of sorting a vector)), if unsorted, O(log(n)) if sorted, irrespective if the element is in the multimap or not.

 127                         Are guaranteed to return the first key if they are not unique in the multimap.

 128                 */
 129                 const_iterator __fastcall find(const key_type &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 130                 /**

 131                         Lookup: O(log(n)+(complexity of sorting a vector)), if unsorted, O(log(n)) if sorted, irrespective if the element is in the multimap or not.

 132                         Are guaranteed to return the first key if they are not unique in the multimap.

 133                 */
 134                 iterator __fastcall find(const key_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 136         private:
 137                 class value_compare : public std::binary_function<value_type,value_type,bool> {
 138                 public:
 139                         constexpr value_compare(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE
 140                         : comp() {
 141                         }
 143                         bool __fastcall operator()(const value_type &X,const value_type &Y) const FORCE_INLINE {
 144                                 return comp(X.first, Y.first);
 145                         }
 147                 private:
 148                         const _Pred comp;
 150                         friend class multimap<_Key,_Val,_Pred,_Cont>;
 152                         void __fastcall operator=(const value_compare &)=delete;
 153                 };
 155                 mutable base_container cont;
 156                 mutable bool is_sorted;
 158                 void __fastcall sort(void) const FORCE_INLINE;
 159                 void __fastcall sort(void) FORCE_INLINE;
 160                 const_iterator __fastcall find_first_key(const const_iterator &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 161                 iterator __fastcall find_first_key(const iterator &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 162         };
 164         /**

 165                 This collection implementation is efficient when the `inserts()` to the collection come

 166                 in blocks, then the lookups (`find()` or `operator[]()`) in blocks, then the `inserts()` again.

 167                 This is because the collection only sorts itself when it is unsorted and a lookup occurs.

 168                 Non-unique keys are allowed, and the groups of non-unique keys are adjacent (after sorting) then the range of the "unique" key is multiple values.


 170                 The complexity is (assuming default container of `std::vector`, which affects these complexities):

 171                 -# Copy: O(n), worst-case.


 173                 More notes:

 174                 ===========

 175                 -# After sorting, non-unique keys are guaranteed to be adjacent in the multiset.

 176                 -# The base container can be pretty much any STL container. The obvious candidates are `std::vector` or `std:list`. The choice will affect the complexities above. The advantage of `std::vector` over `std::list` is locality of reference: The data elements are guaranteed to be local to each other, unlike `std::list`. Alternatively `std:list` has better complexity than `std::vector` for some of the operations. Choose wisely.

 177         */
 178         template<typename _Key,typename _Pred=std::less<_Key>,typename _Cont=std::vector<_Key> >
 179         class multiset {
 180         public:
 181                 typedef _Cont base_container;
 182                 typedef typename base_container::allocator_type allocator_type;
 183                 typedef _Key key_type;
 184                 typedef _Pred key_compare;
 185                 typedef const key_type value_type;
 186                 typedef typename base_container::difference_type difference_type;
 187                 typedef typename base_container::reference reference;
 188                 typedef typename base_container::const_reference const_reference;
 189                 typedef typename base_container::size_type size_type;
 190                 typedef typename base_container::const_iterator const_iterator;
 191                 typedef typename base_container::iterator iterator;
 192                 typedef typename base_container::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
 193                 typedef typename base_container::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
 194                 typedef std::pair<iterator,bool> InsertItr_;
 196                 explicit __stdcall multiset(const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
 197                 __stdcall multiset(const size_type,const value_type &v=value_type(),const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
 198                 __stdcall multiset(const multiset &) FORCE_INLINE;
 199                 __stdcall multiset(const const_iterator &,const const_iterator &,const _Pred &pr=_Pred(),const allocator_type &al=allocator_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
 200                 __stdcall ~multiset(void) FORCE_INLINE;
 202                 multiset & __fastcall operator=(const multiset &m) FORCE_INLINE;
 204                 const_iterator __fastcall begin(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 205                 iterator __fastcall begin(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 206                 const_reverse_iterator __fastcall rbegin(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 207                 reverse_iterator __fastcall rbegin(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 208                 const_iterator __fastcall end(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 209                 iterator __fastcall end(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 210                 const_reverse_iterator __fastcall rend(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 211                 reverse_iterator __fastcall rend(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 213                 const size_type __fastcall size(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 214                 const size_type __fastcall max_size(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 215                 bool __fastcall empty(void) const noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE;
 216                 void __fastcall clear(void) FORCE_INLINE;
 217                 void __fastcall resize(const size_type,const value_type &v=value_type()) FORCE_INLINE;
 218                 void __fastcall reserve(const size_type) FORCE_INLINE;
 220                 allocator_type __fastcall get_allocator(void) const FORCE_INLINE;
 222                 /**

 223                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multiset.)

 224                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value.

 225                 */
 226                 InsertItr_ __fastcall insert(const value_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 227                 /**

 228                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multiset.)

 229                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value.

 230                 */
 231                 iterator __fastcall insert(const iterator &,const value_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 232                 /**

 233                         Insert: (with `insert()`) constant time. (But unsorts the multiset.)

 234                         Allows the insertion of multiple keys with the same value.

 235                 */
 236                 void __fastcall insert(const const_iterator &,const const_iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 238                 /**

 239                         Erase: O(n).

 240                 */
 241                 iterator __fastcall erase(const iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 242                 /**

 243                         Erase: O(n).

 244                 */
 245                 iterator __fastcall erase(const iterator &,const iterator &) FORCE_INLINE;
 246                 /**

 247                         Erase: O(nlog(n)).

 248                         All keys with same value are erased. Collection remains sorted.

 249                 */
 250                 const size_type __fastcall erase(const key_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 252                 /**

 253                         Lookup: O(log(n)+(complexity of sorting a vector)), if unsorted, O(log(n)) if sorted, irrespective if the element is in the multiset or not.

 254                         Are guaranteed to return the first key if they are not unique in the multiset.

 255                 */
 256                 const_iterator __fastcall find(const key_type &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 257                 /**

 258                         Lookup: O(log(n)+(complexity of sorting a vector)), if unsorted, O(log(n)) if sorted, irrespective if the element is in the multiset or not.

 259                         Are guaranteed to return the first key if they are not unique in the multiset.

 260                 */
 261                 iterator __fastcall find(const key_type &) FORCE_INLINE;
 263         private:
 264                 class value_compare : public std::binary_function<value_type,value_type,bool> {
 265                 public:
 266                         constexpr value_compare(void) noexcept(true) FORCE_INLINE
 267                         : comp() {
 268                         }
 270                         bool __fastcall operator()(const value_type &X, const value_type &Y) const FORCE_INLINE {
 271                                 return comp(X, Y);
 272                         }
 274                 private:
 275                         const _Pred comp;
 277                         friend class multiset<_Key,_Pred,_Cont>;
 279                         void __fastcall operator=(const value_compare &)=delete;
 280                 };
 282                 mutable base_container cont;
 283                 mutable bool is_sorted;
 285                 void __fastcall sort(void) const FORCE_INLINE;
 286                 void __fastcall sort(void) FORCE_INLINE;
 287                 const_iterator __fastcall find_first_key(const const_iterator &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 288                 iterator __fastcall find_first_key(const iterator &) const FORCE_INLINE;
 289         };
 291 } }
 293 #include "multimap_impl.hpp"

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